Mediumweight Polyester Felt Alternative - 6 Foot Wide

Please Note: All orders of 1-5 yards are shipped folded, and unfortunately creases cannot be avoided. 

If you wish to avoid creases you must select either the 10 yard or 20 yard option, which will automatically ship on a tube.

Mediumweight Polyester Felt Alternative - 6 Foot Wide

Mediumweight Polyester Felt Alternative - By Linear Yard - Up to 5 Yards

$5.00 per linear yard
Mediumweight Polyester Felt Alternative - 6 Foot Wide

Mediumweight Polyester Felt Alternative - 10 Yards on a Tube

$70.00 per 10 yards on a tube
Mediumweight Polyester Felt Alternative - 6 Foot Wide

Mediumweight Polyester Felt Alternative - 20 Yards on a Tube

$120.00 per 20 yards on a tube
Mediumweight Polyester Felt Alternative - 6 Foot Wide

Mediumweight Polyester Felt Alternative - Full Roll - 100 Yards on a Tube

Description »

This multi-purpose polyester fabric is a non-woven material, somewhat similar to an interfacing fabric. It is available in three weights and we constantly use them all in our studio in a variety of ways. The mediumweight is useful as a support material in vacuum table work and for pulp spraying. We also use it in our drying system, putting the wet sheets between 2 layers of mediumweight polyester, to keep the blotters clean. To clean the polyester felts, simply hose them off with water, and allow to dry. The mediumweight polyester felt alternative is 6 feet wide and sold by the linear yard.