Polypropylene Screening

Please Note: If you are ordering 4 feet or more of polypropylene screening, then you must also order a tube, since we roll the screening around a tube to avoid creases. To avoid delays in your order, please add the shipping tube below to your shopping cart if you are ordering at least 4 feet. 

Polypropylene Screening

Polypropylene Screening - By Linear Foot

$11.00 per linear foot
Polypropylene Screening

Shipping Tube for Screening or Felt Alternative

Description »

This woven screening is used on our inexpensive moulds. It is lightweight yet stiff, and its heat shrinking ability (using a hair dryer) makes it easy to tighten the surface after it has been attached to the mould. It is approximately 5 1/2 feet wide and sold by the linear foot. We suggest attaching the screening to the frame with epoxy and stainless steel staples.

Instruction Sheets: Heat Shrinking Screening